Report of the workshop on 17. July hosted by DI SER. Thanks to Yasu and friendly guests, It became an unforgettable afternoon in such a positive atmosphere. We all felt the power of scent, immerged in the moment and appreciated the gift of nature.
Read MoreKenji Omori pursues the surface: with the touch of natural soil, his potteries have a rather rough atmosphere but at the same time leaving a kind of decency and sophistication. After finishing Landscape Design at Tokyo Zokei University in 2005, he continued learning and practicing his potter at Tajimi Pottery Design and
Read MoreIn der Mitte von Kyoto, gibt es ein kleines Haus von Yatamake Senpo mit einer altmodischen Front, Mise-no-ma, für die Geschäftstransaktionen, das sich lohnt einmal zu besuchen. Sie haben traditionell ihre Kyo-Sensu hauptsachlich für Japanischen Tänzerinnen, Maiko oder Geisha hergestellt.
Read MoreIn der Mode werden jedes Jahr unzählige neue Kleidern hergestellt. Die Kleider überfüllen den Markt eigentlich, trotzdem (oder deswegen) ist es sehr schwierig, ein einfaches und qualitativ hochstehendes T-Shirt mit natürlichen Leinen zu finden. Vlas Blomme hat genau das.
Read MoreHasami Porcelain’s straight lines represent the essence of traditional Japanese aesthetics. The curves are the result of the inevitability of function and production. The rhythm and echo of the clean lines, created by stacking, enhance the harmony and beauty of the design.
Read MoreShoyeido is the one of the oldest incense producers in Japan, who's history dates back to 1705 in Kyoto. After nearly three hundred years, Shoyeido continues the legacy of their innovative ancestors, offering a wide variety of unique,
Read MoreEine lange geplantes Projekt, nämlich Masshemden mit japanischen Stoffen, geht endlich los.
Der Stoff wird in einem kleinen Familienbetrieb in Japan produziert und das Hemd in Bergamo hergestellt. Es handelt sich dabei auch um einen Familienbetrieb,
Monpe trousers restocked including one new color. Fabric is woven with nep, which is a tiny knot of cotton fibre. As the yarn is woven, these small neps are entangled in the textile. This fabric is woven with
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Physically Furoshiki is a piece of square cloth made for wrapping gift and carrying things developed in early 1600s. But the definition of Furoshiki is much more: it's an art and a culture. Furoshiki's folding and binding method is developed from thoughtful mind and wisdom:
Read MoreLocated in Noto Peninsula, the north of Ishikawa Prefecture, Takazawa Candle produces Japanese candles since 1892. In their small productions room, there are about 10 people are working on each process, one making wick and another shaping candles. The stove for melting
Read MoreOnline Shop introduced in annabelle issue 18/17.
Read MoreAuf der nördlichsten Insel Japans, Hokkaido, befindet sich der Sitz von DI SER. Yasuyuki Shinohara, der Besitzer, Naturapoteker und Bauer kümmert sich selber um seine rund 10,000 Rosen. Gegründet 1999, ist seine Firma
Read MoreMaekake = Japanische Schürze
Maekake ist ein traditioneller Stil der japanischen Schürze. 'Mae' bedeutet 'Vorne' und 'Kake' kommt vom Verb 'Kakeru' ='Hängen'. Das Aussehen und der Stil von Maekake reicht bis
Monpe ist eine spezifischen Art der Hose, die ursprünglich im 17. Jahrhundert im Norden als alternative Hakama (=Hose über Kimono) getragen wurde. Wegen des einfacheren Schnittes war es für alltägliche Arbeit sowie für Bauern sehr geeignet. Es war
Read MoreJune's Choice is is a project of passion by June von Bonin, Software Engineer, and Alain Leclerc von Bonin, Designer. They are the heads behind VisualContext, a digital communication business in Zurich.
Read MoreSince 1600s Binchotan Charcoal has been used in Japan. In Kishu (Wakayama) is the region where good quality Binchotan Charcoals has been traditionally produced. They are extremely hard like steel and have countless number of porous pores on surface. These pores help remove unwanted chemicals from tap
Read MoreHanafukin is an original item produced by Nakagawa Masashichi Shoten, whose history dates back to 1800s starting as a linen weaver. Originally they were producing 'Kaya' which is Japanese term for
Read MoreNZZ am Sonntag Stil on 14.05.17 features Japan introducing local restaurants and stores based in Zurich.
Read MoreImabari is a city located in Ehime prefecture and the towels produced in Imabari is well known as high quality towels in Japan. Before being allowed to put on the product the certification as an authorised Imabarai towel,
Read MoreShinwazen is a hidden little shop located in district 4 who offers the top quality ingredient and tableware from Japan. To cook authentic Japanese dishes at home, this shop is highly recommended.
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