Producer Visit: Phytodor, Buochs

Last Monday, I visited Phytodor, which produces EM sana cosmetic products.
I’m not only satisfied with the quality of their products, but also fascinated by the combination of EM (Effective Microorganisms) and Bach flowers, as it sounds having taken the best of natural science from East and West, which makes me feel peaceful and harmonised.

Phytodor is located in the one of most beautiful lake area in Switzerland alongside Vierwaldstättersee. (It was so beautiful that I have to take a ship after this meeting to go further to explore this wonderful see region. )


EM (Effective Microorganisms) was born in Japan 30 years ago founded by Dr. Teruo Higa - he discovered a certain combination of effective microorganisms that recovers the soil which was harmed by the pesticide or any other human activities.

Mr. Willy Küttel (photo), the founder of Phytodor, explained that EM has long established in Europe for more than 20 years. He himself met EM and Dr. Higa 14 years ago in one of EM gathering in Switzerland, where he became fascinated by an idea to combine his signature products, Bach flower, and this EM.

EM supports skin flora with effective microorganisms whereas Bach flower assist mental health with information of flowers.

Through the extreme disinfection, aren’t we killing all bacterias that actually protect us?

Since the beginning of 2020 I have always been wondering, if this daily extrem disinfection is really good for our health. Certainly it kills virus, but so dose other effective bacterias, that actually protect us from virus.

I read several articles regarding EM that interested me - they say that earth (soil) and our body (gut) is similar: the more effective microorganism exist, the stronger the vegetables and body. Much less insects can attack the healthy strong vegetable and it works in the same way in human body agains the virus. Insects and virus can’t stay on the healthy cells as they have strong immunity. As a person who already uses EM for own balcony vegetables and own body with EM products, this explanation is such logical to understand.

Throughout corona years until now, I commute everyday with public transport (except lockdown period) and nothing happens and I’ve never felt healthier than now.

Through meeting with Mr. Küttel, my wondering and questions about the ecosystem including virus were all answered. As a specialist in the field of Bach flower and micro organisms, he explained how important the microorganisms (bacterias) are and how significant roll they play in the ecosystem and contribute our health.

To take it account what instinctively tells us from nature and keep thinking with our own brain is such important to live in this current world.
