DI SER Parfum, Sapporo


DI SER Parfum

''A perfume is an art and a medicine.'' says Yasuyuki Shinohara, perfumer of DI SER.

He founded his company, Essentia, in Sapporo, Hokkaido in 1999. The company is divided into three sections: pharmaceutical section for producing health and cosmetic products, research and development section for analysing botanical element, and agricultural section for growing plants.

Forest to bottle

In their own forest and field in Sapporo, they cultivate more than 300 kinds of medicinal plants and herbs. One of their main ingredients is an ancient Japanese rose called Hamanasu (Rosa rugosa T.) (Photo). They grow all plants naturally without any fertiliser and pesticide. After extracting the essence from plants, they return everything to the field: this process enriches the soil and prepares for farming in following years. This agricultural method is called ¨natural circulation agriculture'' and it's the core part of their entire business. Yasuyuki settled his business in this way to serve them the best ingredient by themselves and to keep this region revitalised and independent: his business creates work opportunities to local people, while maintaining the forest and field.


DI SER is made only of natural fragrance, vegetal cellular water, and plant-based alcohol

Yasuyuki built the laboratory in the middle of their field in Sapporo, so that they can distill the plants straight away after harvesting. The plants are distilled in a low temperature vacuum without adding any water, so that they can extract an entire essence from the cells without damaging it. They also collect the best ingredient also from outside of Hokkaido and Japan, especially aromatic woods and spices that don't inhabit in Japan.

Nature, science, and tradition

Nature, science, and tradition lie behind his entire creation. Using the best natural ingredient backed by the best of modern scientific method, Yasuyuki merges aromatic oil gently one by one and creates a unique, original accord based on the Japanese scent tradition, Kodo. His fragrance note is very discreet, yet has such an impact to make a non perfume-wearer become a perfume-wearer. Yasuyuki explains, that there are a certain elements that perform an high fluctuation which contributes our health and comfort - the scent in the gaseous form is one of them. This is one of reasons why he is creating a perfume: ''a perfume is an art and a medicine that are easy to carry, which means easy for many people to apply in daily life.'' says Yasuyuki. 


Harmonised society and community

His vision is to create a better, more harmonised society. By showing his business model, he proves that the problems can be solved locally by the local people who actually live there. He believes that any community on earth can be independent by living in harmony with nature. 

Yasuyuki is very quiet, decent person, and talks not a lot, yet his achievement is outstanding. In 2019, DI SER was selected for the scent of the venue for Kyoto Prize (Japan's highest international award for lifetime achievement in the arts and sciences). In 2021, one of DI SER perfume, Hanamatsuri won the Winner of the Year in Barcelona Olfactory Week. As a company, his client list includes Imperial Family and the one of most important and oldest shrine of Japan. 


It exists without leaving a trace

The motif of DI SER is lotus flower which is the symbol of enlightenment in Buddhism - it beautifully blooms out of the muddy water which refers each one of our lives in this world. The reflection of lotus flowers on water symbolises the both worlds - this and other, visible and invisible. Through invisible scent, DI SER connects two worlds harmonically together.  

DI SER perfume is unisex and comes in 33ml bottle. To try, 1ml sample is available.
Enjoy to discover the world of DI SER.
