Terada Honke - Where Microorganisms Bring Good Fortune

I was so inspired by the book ‘‘Hakkodo (the path of fermentation)’’ written by Keisuke Terada, 23rd generation-owner of the Sake-brewery, Terada Honke, that I had to introduce their signature Sake, Gonin Musume.

Having a history of 340 years, Terada Honke is the pioneer Sake-Brewery who started making Sake 100% naturally. Their slow-brew Kimoto method let nature do its work.

Terada Honke embarked on its journey to explore the possibilities of natural sake brewing when Keisuke Terada, the late 23rd-generation owner, became ill. Read more.


All photos from Terada Honke

Where microorganisms bring good fortune

Terada Honke is a home base for brewers and microorganisms working energetically in tandem with each other.

Here, forces from different sources (from microorganisms, people, objects, and activities) come into play to create delicious and healthy products. 

Fermentation is a process of endless changes.

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