Newsletter 5/2022 Itoshiro - Japan Blue and Authentic Indigo Dye

Itoshiro - Japan Blue and Authentic Indigo Dye

Today, it's very seldom to find a garment processed with the authentic indigo-dye technique with the naturally fermented indigo leaves.

As expressed as ''Japan Blue'' in Edo era (ca. 1600 - 1800) , the real indigo blue is completely different from the one which is recognised today in the fashion market. I was always wondering maybe sometime there would be an encounter to meet people who make clothes of real indigo-blue that are materially and technically authentic, and whose focus is not ''fashion'', but something real. And finally there is. 

Based in the middle of mountain area in Gifu, Itoshiro creates clothing that are based on the folk costume and ancestor's wisdom.

''What is real richness?'' 
This question lies throughout their creation and they consistently keep asking themselves.
Itoshiro studies the folk costumes that've been traditionally worn in this region. Just as Kimono, the most folk costumes are aimed to be made to minimise the fabric waist, thus often their pattern cutting is made with straight line which automatically leads an easy silhouette. Those folk costumes were never meant for the elegant occasion, but rather made as daily workwear worn by farmers and workers who lived rather simply. With the great respect, Itoshiro finds a wisdom and beauty in those folk costumes, takes the essence out of them, and merge into their creation. At end, those clothes are not only about enjoying of wearing, but also realising of the wisdom of people and the harmony with the nature. 

In the natural indigo blue, you can see that each single piece has its own character, depth, and layer. You can distinguish immediately the difference from industrially made indigo blue.

Natural indigo is not only aesthetically satisfying, but also has its function: for example, the indigo fabric keeps away from the insects or has anti-odour effect, that were in fact very useful at that time. The fabric dyed with naturally fermented indigo has life - you can enjoy the beautiful patina of ageing. The blue will become lighter, but not in the way of losing the colour, but in the way of adding even more beauty and value in it. 

Due to that they are basically made for Japanese people, there is little flexibility in sizing, the most piece is one size, but where I could, I chose the relaxing silhouette, so that the reason to give up this beautiful clothes wont be the size. 

Otherwise even just to see, it worths it.

Thank you very much for reading, and have a beautiful day.
Warm regards,
