Newsletter 4/2022 Kintsugi - The Art of Repair

Kintsugi regenerates a broken object and brings it back to the daily use again.

This authentic Japanese repair technique creates a new life in the objects that are broken by accident or by aging and adds a new value materially and aesthetically. It can be possible only by natural Urushi lacquer and real gold powder processed by the correct technique and under the appropriate circumstance in terms of temperature and humidity.

The part repaired with Kintsugi technique becomes a new design element, which creates the beauty and the unique expression in it. The result is always taken with unexpected surprise, because you can never imagine exactly, how it will look after that.

Recently I became acquainted with Ms. Ursula Kaspar personally, who learned and practiced Kintsugi in her early age at a Master in Hida Takayama, Japan and now offers Kintsugi repair at her atelier in Zürich. 

4 beautiful unique pieces of ceramics work delivered by Japanese artisans just became reborn by her hand and are ready to present themselves to wait for new owners.

Please have a look online or personally in the shop. 

Warm regards,
